Thursday, 11 October 2012



Critic's Rating:

Cast: LB Sriram, Ranganath, Santosh, Anuya Reddy, Diksha Panth, Amrutha, Sardar, Sai Chand, Shyam, Amrutha, Srujith and others

Direction: Dr Anand Islavath

Genre: Drama
Duration: 2 hours 22 minutes

Avg Readers Rating:

Synopsis: Harsh(Santosh), Omkar(Shyam), Rajini Rajesh(Sai Chand), Ojavasi(Amrita), Nandini(Anuhya Reddy), Soumya Nayak(Neelam) and Pawani Reddy(Manjeera) are eight college going teenagers. How they come of age amidst the pressures and pulls of adolescence is crux of the movie.

Movie Review: It's a story of revenge...of the filmmaker wrecking vengeance on an unsuspecting audience who have to suffer torture practically every minute. But here's a choice. You might as well not read further. If you do not want to heed sane advice and are dying to know what death means, here it is...

The scenes are set in a medical college where students behave like adolescents. Since one can hardly find a story in the movie, let's talk only in terms of scenes where the behaviour of the boys can be described as ranging from stupid to atrocious. They've got only the girls at the back of their mind always. Some of the boys fall for some of the girls and there's meaningless attempted comedy somewhere in between.

The most studious of the lot, keeps away from such fun of the other boys and when the results are out, he tops in the medical college. The boys run to convey to him the news and they find him dead, having vomited blood. The team of friends who take his body to his village take a decision to strive for the development of the village as that was his dream. The message the director intends to convey is that everyone should devote at least one year in whatever capacity and serve his village.

From the way the movie is publicised, both on television and through posters, it gives an impression that it's got adult content but it does not. The cinematography is an apology to the medium and the music is anything but that.

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